Portugal 2030

If your company was waiting for Portugal 2030 to invest abroad, here are three good news for you to know in advance:

  • The new governance model of European funds is already in place!
  • It paves the way for the implementation of Portugal 2030 and the management of this Multiannual Financial Framework 2021-2027;
  • And it brings a few changes to the previous 2020 framework.

In short, Portugal 2030 (PT2030) will provide funding of around 23 billion euros, under the Multiannual Financial Framework for 2021-2027. And this unprecedented funding is to be made available according to this new governance model, as established in the Decree-Law No. 5/2023 of 26th of January.

Let’s take a closer look at the major changes of PT2030?

1) There are 4 new priority agendas for investment!

PT2030 is focused on ensuring greater social and territorial resilience, as well as delivering a response to a more just, green and digital future. As such, there are four new core thematic agendas:

  • Innovation and Digital Transition;
  • Demographic, Skills, and Inclusion;
  • Climate Action and Sustainability;
  • Sea;

Not all programmes will provide funding exclusively for private companies. But the Innovation and Digital Transition programme is of particular interest to businesses, as it reserves 3.9 billion euros to support product or process innovation and global promotion.

With the proper mapping of your needs and correct analysis of your project’s eligibility, this agenda may have a strong impact on your business. It is beneficial then to make a good analysis of the project’s merit beforehand and to quantify the potential incentive. Do you need help with that?

2) New guidelines for the implementation of European funds!

In accordance with the Decree-Law No. 5/2023, PT2030 is set out to simplify both the application process and the requests for incentive payments.

There is also a new Funds Line providing support to potential beneficiaries and, in the field of transparency, this new governance model makes mandatory the publication of approved operations.

3) There is a new control mechanism!

In order to ensure the legality of all expenses and operations and to avoid the misuse of funds, Portugal 2030 will have a new control mechanism in place, soon to be defined by the intermediate organizations.

Waiting for Portugal 2030 to invest? We’ll help you along the way!

As you see, it’s not only important to map out all investment opportunities, but also to facilitate processes of decision-making and monitoring.

Easely Portugal is determined to be your gateway to live and invest in Portugal. That’s why we rely on an experienced, specialised, and multidisciplinary team who will help you in every step of the way to the incentives of Portugal 2030.

Contact us now for more information on Portugal 2030!