A new visa for Digital Nomads will be launched on October 30, specially tailored for remote workers and that’s great news for you!

There used to be a time when we started our articles by saying that Portugal didn’t have a specific digital nomads visa, even though there were other options available, like the D7 visa. Now that’s about to change.

This visa makes life easier for Digital Nomads and it’s the best option for those wishing to live temporarily in the world’s best country for remote work. But how do you qualify for this new Visa? And how does it work? We’ll tell you all about it!

How to qualify and apply?

Applicants must come from a non-European Union or non-EEA (European Economic Area) country and they’ll have to be self-employed or employed by a company based outside of Portugal.

Eligible applicants are required to earn at least €2,800 per month, four times Portugal’s minimum wage. They’ll have to show proof of income for the last three months, submit tax residency documents, and proof of self-employment (or a job contract).

Applications can be presented through Portugal’s immigration agency, Serviço de Estrangeiros e Fronteiras, or submitted to the Portuguese Consulate.

Portugal has benefits for you!

Apart from being valid for one year, this new Visa also avoids double taxation on income, either abroad or from the country of origin. In other words, remote workers with high-value-added professions will be taxed at a 20% flat rate, just like it happens with the Non-Habitual Residents tax regime.

The trend of remote workers accelerated with the Covid-19 pandemic and Portugal is one of the most popular destinations for these digital workers, due to its abundance of co-working spaces and tax incentives.

And that’s why we have a team of experts ready to help you get settled, whether you are planning to run your business in a foreign country or just seeking more information on what Portugal can offer you.

Feel free to contact us and let’s fulfil your goals!